Ann Elizabeth Rollon enova
Hi, I’m Elise. I am an MS Marine Science candidate and my interests are marine pollution, organic geochemistry, and numerical modeling. For my thesis, I am looking into the concentration and source of organic pollutants such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Manila Bay through organic analysis coupled with numerical modeling. I am also involved in projects related to submarine groundwater discharge, and sediment cores in Laguna Lake. I previously worked as a chemical engineer in the petroleum industry, specializing in aromatics production.
Current Research
Thesis: “Concentration and Source of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Mussels and Sediments in East Manila Bay”
I am looking into the concentration, source and transport of organic pollutants such as PAHs in Manila Bay through organic analysis, water quality measurements, and numerical modeling.

BiORE Coare SGD Project 2: “Marine Benthic Geochemistry and Ecosystems Associated with Submarine Groundwater Discharge”
We are exploring the geochemistry of water, sediments, and ecosystems associated with SGD in Mabini, Batangas

OASIS In-House Project: “Organic proxy records of millennial-scale shifts between freshwater and marine phases of Laguna Lake, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs) in mussels and sediments in East Manila Bay”
We are trying to analyze organic proxy records in a sediment core of Laguna Lake and organic pollutants such as PAHs in Manila Bay.

Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production from Seawater Using CdZn1-xS. Jose, ED., Nogales, EL., Rollon, AEP., Yap J., de Leon, RL., 2017. International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications vol. 8 no 4. doi: 10.18178/ijcea.2017.8.4.664

MS Marine Science candidate, Sep 2020 – present
University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City
Thesis: Concentration and Source of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Mussels and Sediments in Manila Bay. Advisers: Dr. Caroline Marie B. Jaraula, Dr. Cesar L. Villanoy
BS Chemical Engineering, cum laude, June 2015, registered Chemical Engineer
University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City
Thesis: Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production from Seawater Using CdZn1-xS
Plant Design: Anaerobic Digestion of Municipal Solid Waste
10th DOST-ASTHRDP Graduate Scholars Conference. Virtual. Sept 22-23, 2022.
“Assessing the Transport of Organic Pollutants Through Modeling and Water Quality Measurements in Manila Bay.”
(1st Place Technical Poster Competition, Agriculture and Environmental Science Category.)
Enova, AR., Jaraula, CB., Mariano, SM., Aga, DS., Villanoy, CS.
UP College of Science Graduate Students Research Conference (GSRC). May 24-27, 2022.
“Modeling the Transport of Pharmaceutical Pollutants in Manila Bay, Philippines.”
(Top 3 Best Poster in Environment Category.)
Enova, AR., Jaraula, CB., Mariano, SM., Aga, DS., Villanoy, CS.
16th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference in Environmental Engineering (RCEnVE2022).
Double Tree by Hilton Johor Bahru, Malaysia. September 21-22, 2022.
41st Annual PAASE Meeting and Symposium (APAMS), Philippine-American Academy of Science & Engineering
Maryland, USA. October 15, 2021.
“Modeling the Fate of Pharmaceutical Pollutants in Manila Bay, Philippines”
Oral Presenter. Rollon-Enova, AEP., Jaraula, CB., Mariano, SM., Aga, DS., Villanoy, CS.
16th National Symposium in Marine Science, Philippine Association of Marine Science (PAMS), July 22-24, 2021.
“Tidal Model & Analysis of Manila Bay and its Implications to Pollutant Discharges”
Oral Presenter. Rollon-Enova, AEP., Villanoy, CS.
4th International Conference on Chemical and Food Engineering (ICCFE 2017). Osaka, Japan
“Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production from Seawater Using CdZn1-xS.”
Jose, ED., Nogales, EL., Rollon, AEP., de Leon, RL.
Awards and Recognition
1st Place, Best Poster Presenter in Agriculture and Environmental Science Category.
“Assessing the Transport of Organic Pollutants Through Modeling and Water Quality Measurements in Manila Bay.” 10th DOST-ASTHRDP Graduate Scholars Conference. Virtual. Sept 22-23, 2022.
Top 3 Best Poster in Environment Category.
“Modeling the Transport of Pharmaceutical Pollutants in Manila Bay, Philippines.” UP College of Science Graduate Students Research Conference (GSRC). May 24-27, 2022.
Graduate Student Fellowship Awardee
Annual Philippine-American Academy of Science and Engineering (PAASE) Meeting and Symposium, 8-11 October, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Sept 2020 - June 2022
Finalist, Undergraduate Research Competition.
“Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production from Seawater Using CdZn1-xS.” Rollon, AEP., Jose, ED., Nogales, EL., de Leon, RL. UP College of Engineering Undergraduate Research Competition, 2015.
Petron Scholarship Award Grantee
June 2012 - June 2015
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