principal investigator

Caroline Marie B. Jaraula, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Ph. D. Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
M. Sc. Geology, University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City
B. Sc. Geology, University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City
Research Interests
environmental biogeochemistry, climate studies, environmental forensics biogeochemistry, organic pollutants, stable isotopes in biogeochemistry
Contact Details
Office: Room 304, UP MSI
selected publications
Jaraula CMB, Schwark L, Moreau X, Pickel W, Bagas L, Grice K, 2015. Radiolytic alteration of biopolymers in the Mulga Rock (Australia) uranium district. Applied Geochemistry 52, 97-108.
Jaraula CMB, Siringan FP, Klingel R, Sato H, Yokoyama Y, 2014. Records and causes of Holocene salinity shifts in Laguna de Bay, Philippines. Quaternary International 349, 207-220.
Holman AI, Grice K, Jaraula CMB, Schimmelmann A, 2014. Bitumen II from the Paleoproterozoic Here’s Your Chance Pb/Zn/Ag deposit: Implications for the analysis of depositional environment and thermal maturity of hydrothermally-altered sediments. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 139, 98-109.
Dick JM, Evans KA, Holman A, Jaraula CMB, Grice K, 2013. Thermodynamic properties of aqueous phenanthrene & isomers of methylphenanthrene at high temperatures. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta122, 247-266.
Jaraula CMB, Grice K, Twitchett R, Böettcher M, LeMetayer P, Dastidar AG, Opazzo LF, 2013. Elevated pCO2 leading to End Triassic Extinction, photic zone euxinia & rising sea levels. Geology 41, 955-958. 10.1130/G34183.1.
Greenwood PF, Brocks JJ, Grice K, Schwark L, Jaraula CMB, Dick JM, Evans KA, 2012. Organic Geochemistry & Mineralogy. I. Characterisation of Organic Matter Associated with Metal Deposits. Ore Geology Reviews 50, 1-27.
Holman AI, Grice K, Jaraula CMB, Schimmelmann A, Brocks JJ, 2012. Efficiency of extraction of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons from the Paleoproterozoic Here’s Your Chance Pb/Zn/Ag ore deposit & implications for a study of Bitumen II. Organic Geochemistry 52, 81-87.
Jaraula CMB, Brassell SC, Morgan-Kiss R, Doran PT, Kenig F, 2010. Origin & distribution of tri- to penta unsaturated alkenones in Lake Fryxell, East Antarctica. Organic Geochemistry 41, 386-397.
Jaraula CMB, Kenig F, Doran PT, Priscu JC, Welch KA, 2009. Composition & natural attenuation of synthetic oils & hydraulic fluid spilled on the perennial ice cover of Lake Fryxell, Antarctica. Environmental Science & Technology 43, 8, 2708-2713.
Jaraula CMB, Kenig F, Doran PT, Priscu JC, Welch KA, 2008. SPME-GCMS study of the natural attenuation of aviation diesel on the perennial ice cover of Lake Fryxell, Antarctica. Science of the Total Environment 407, 1, 250-262. DOI:10.1016/j.scitotnv.2008.07.064.
Ong JB, Aguda N, Jaraula CMB, Mateo ZRP, Pascua C, Foronda J, 2000. Tidal Effects on Groundwater in a very small tropical island, Science Diliman, Philippines.