Keith Limuel C. Bejasa, R.Ch., M.Sc.
Hi there! My name is Keith, a Chemist/Marine Scientist from Calaca City, Batangas. My research interest includes Natural Products Research, Mangrove Chemistry, Organic Geochemistry, Stable Isotopes Chemistry, Chemical Oceanography, and Science Communication.
I am currently a Faculty Member at the Adamson University Chemistry Department.
Undergraduate Research
Anti-Diarrheal Activity of Some Philippine Plants Using Charcoal Tracing Method
Graduate Research
Lipid Composition and Isotopic Signatures of Above- and Below-ground Components of Rhizophora apiculata and Nypa fruticans from Balingasay River, Bolinao, Philippines
Professional/Work Research
Science Research Specialist I (Jan-Dec 2015) - Anti-Infective and Anticancer Drug Candidates: Discovery and Development Project under the Marine Component of the Discovery and Development of Health Products Program
funded by Commission on Higher Education - Philippine-California Advanced Research Institutes (CHED-PCARI)
Science Research Specialist I (Feb-Aug 2016) - Peptides and Small Molecules as Antidiabetic Drugs Project under the Disease-specific Synthesis and Derivatization of Bioactive Hits and Lead Compounds Program
funded by Department of Science and Technology - Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (DOST-PCHRD)
Student Researcher (2017) - Modelling, Analysis, and Simulation of Blue Carbon Cycles and Budgets (BlueCyMAS) Project under the Integrated Assessment and Modelling of Blue Carbon Ecosystems Conservation and Adaptive Management (IAMBlueCECAM) Program
funded by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and Department of Science and Technology (DOST)
Project Development Officer (Apr 2018-Jun 2021) - Deploying Unmanned Research Vessels to Advance Marine and Environmental Health Monitoring in the Philippines
funded by Commission on Higher Education - Philippine-California Advanced Research Institutes (CHED-PCARI)

MS Marine Science (2020)
University of the Philippines Diliman
BS Chemistry (2014)
University of the Philippines Diliman
Ocean Sciences Meeting, 16-21 February, San Diego, California, USA;
“Characterization and quantification of mangrove-derived extractable carbon”
(Poster Presentation)
Co-author: C.M.B. Jaraula
Ocean Sciences Meeting, 16-21 February, San Diego, California, USA;
“Co-evolution of landscape, forest, and soil in a planted mangrove eco-park in Kalibo, Philippines”
(Poster Presentation; as co-author)
Co-author: W. Dimalanta, C.M.B. Jaraula, R. Rollon, T. Miyajima, F.P. Siringan, G.M.G. Albano, K.P. Landicho, J.C. Munar, C.M. Dalida, A.C. Blanco
Ocean Sciences Meeting, 16-21 February, San Diego, California, USA;
“Environmental changes associated with organic matter loading deduced from sedimentary deposits of a coastal lagoon in Boracay Island, Philippines”
(Poster Presentation; as co-author)
Co-author: M.V.R. Rañada, A. Bautista, C.M.B. Jaraula
15th National Symposium in Marine Science, 4-6 July, Aklan, Philippines;
“Bulk carbon and nitrogen isotopic compositions of sedimentary organic matter in a mangrove ecopark in Katunggan It Ibajay (KII) and its implications”
(Oral Presentation)
Co-author: T. Miyajima, W. Dimalanta, C.M.B. Jaraula
15th National Symposium in Marine Science, 4-6 July, Aklan, Philippines;
“Co-evolution of landscape, forest and soil in a planted mangrove eco-park in Kalibo, Aklan”
(Oral Presentation; as co-author)
Co-authors: C. M. B. Jaraula, W.
Dimalanta, R. Rollon, M. L. San Diego-McGlone, T. Miyajima, F. P. Siringan, G. Albano, K. Landicho, E. Sta. Maria, J. Munar, I. Orizar, J. Clemente, A. Blanco
15th National Symposium in Marine Science, 4-6 July, Aklan, Philippines;
“Environmental change deduced from sedimentary deposits of dead forest in Boracay”
(Poster Presentation; as co-author)
Co-author: M. V. Rañada, A. F. K. Elegado, A. Bautista VII, N. Mendoza, C.M.B. Jaraula
15th National Symposium in Marine Science, 4-6 July, Aklan, Philippines;
“Carbon storage and inventory of mature mangrove forest in Katunggan It Ibajay Ecopark”
(Poster Presentation; as co-author)
Co-author: W. Dimalanta, C. M. B. Jaraula
Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2019, 26-30, May, Makuhari Messe, Chiba, Japan;
"Landscape factors affect persistence and accumulation of organic carbon in sedimentary mangrove forests: A preliminary study"
(Oral Presentation; as co-author)
Co-author: T. Miyajima, R. Suwa, R. Rollon, M.L. San Diego-McGlone, C.M.B. Jaraula, F.P. Siringan, K. Ono, Y.H. Primavera-Tirol, Y. Miyairi, Y. Yokohama
1st National Blue Carbon Symposium, 20-21 September, Zambales, Philippines;
“Deducing the carbon budget: A biological marker approach on characterization and quantification of mangrove-derived extractable carbon”
(Oral Presentation)
Co-author: C.M.B. Jaraula
1st National Blue Carbon Symposium, 20-21 September, Zambales, Philippines;
“Carbon storage and inventory of mature mangrove forest in Katunggan It Ibajay Ecopark”
(Oral Presentation; as co-author)
Co-author: C.M.B. Jaraula, W.P. Dimalanta
Society for Coastal Ecosystems Studies-Asia Pacific (SCESAP) Biodiversity Symposium, 4-9 December, Cebu City, Philippines;
“Biological markers of above- and below-ground parts of mangrove trees along Balingasay River, Pangasinan, Philippines”
(Oral Presentation)
Co-author: C.M.B. Jaraula
14th National Symposium in Marine Science, 13-15 July, Batangas, Philippines;
“Identification of mangrove-derived biological markers from mangrove species in Balingasay River, Bolinao, Philippines”
(Oral Presentation)
Co-author: C.M.B. Jaraula
14th National Symposium in Marine Science, 13-15 July, Batangas, Philippines;
“Increasing distribution of eutrophic and hypoxic coastal waters in the West Pacific region”
(Poster Presentation; as co-author)
Co-authors: G.S. Jacinto, M.A. Cabauatan, D.A. Escolar, E.G. Gernato, N. Gomez
30th Philippine Chemistry Congress, 15-17 April, Davao City, Philippines;
“Optimization of charcoal tracing method for determining antispasmodic activity”
(Oral Presentation)
Co-authors: E.C. Amor, M.D. Naing
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.