Marmelou POpes
I am a full time student and graduate research assistant under the GREAT Scholarship of DOST-PCAARRD. I am currently focusing on trace metal and organic geochemistry studies in SGD affected areas. Aside from doing laboratory and academic works, I am also a furparent to a cute maligator named Sky.
BiORE Coare SGD Project 2: “Marine Benthic Geochemistry and Ecosystems Associated with Submarine Groundwater Discharge” (July 2022 - Present)
funded by the Department of Science and Technology - Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic, and Natural Resources Research and Development
Deploying Autonomous Surface Vessel To Advance Marine and Environmental Health Research in the Philippines (2018-2020)
funded by the Commission on Higher Education and Philippine-California Advanced Research Institutes (CHED-PCARI)
MS Marine Science student, Sept 2021 - present
The Marine Science Institute
University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City
BS Geology, Registered Geologist
National Institute of Geological Sciences
University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City
GEOSEA XVI – GeoCon2021. 5(+1) Years after ASEAN Integration: Milestones, Challenges, and Perspectives for Geoscientists, 6-8 December
(Virtual, via Zoom)
I'd be happy to learn more about new opportunities! Let's connect and collaborate.